Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mason's 5 Month Post

So I know this is really late but between Christmas, New Years, and the kids being sick I haven't had time to do much of anything.  So shortly after this I hope to write about our Christmas as well.
So Mason turned 5 months old on December 22nd and I'm in awe of how fast time is flying by with him.  I know I say it all the time but he continues to be the smiliest, sweetest thing ever.  From the moment he wakes up until he goes to sleep he grins and laughs and is just precious.  He has the cutest personality already.
He is definitely a mama's boy too.  I LOVE it!  If someone else is holding him he searches the room for me and when he spots me he gives me the biggest grin and he gets so excited and starts kicking his legs as fast as they'll go.   If I don't get him then and I leave the room he starts this broken-hearted cry and it gets me everytime.  I'm pretty much wrapped around his chubby little fingers. :)
Mason's big accomplishment this month has been sitting by himself.  He obviously can't sit himself up but he can sit independently and play.  I love it because it is so much easier for him to play with things.  He also still enjoys being on his tummy and he moves around like a wild man.
He coos and talks all the time and his new favorite thing is blowing raspberries.  When he purses his lips to blow them, he concentrates so hard and he gets the cutest look on his face.
He loves his jumperoo these days and will just stand there in it and look around or watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with Caden.  I am beginning to think that MMC has some sort of subliminial messages in it because when it comes on both boys look like they are in some sort of trance watching it. :)
Speaking of Caden, Mason is in LOVE with him!  It is the cutest thing because if Caden walks in the room Mason stops whatever he is doing and stares and smiles at him.  Caden doesn't have much to do with Mason but if he talks to him or even looks at him Mason's whole face lights up and he looks at him like he is the greatest thing in the world.  I am so looking forward to their relationship developing!
Sleep this month has been rough.  Mason was sleeping through the night until he got the stomach virus at the beginning of the month.  Since then his sleep has been horrible.  Jason and I aren't used to this not sleeping thing either!  Some nights he wakes up every hour!  He has also started rolling over onto his stomach at night and it wakes him up.  Anyway hopefully this month sleep will be better!
Mason rarely cries but if he is crying when I start singing "Silent Night" he immediately stops and starts grinning.  I'm takling like hysterical screaming to grinning in 2 seconds flat.  I would love to bottle that up and be able to sell it! 
And because I never updated after his 4 month appointment Mason weighed 17.8 pounds and was 26.5 inches long.  He was 75% for weight and 85% for height...such a little peanut. ;)  I'm serious too, compared to Caden who has always been off the charts. 
And..we'll call that a wrap! :)

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