That would be me and my blogging (and a little shout out to MJ). I can't believe it has been almost 2 months since I last blogged. Ugh....honestly I've looked at it several times and it has been so long that I feel overwhelmed with everything that I've missed blogging about so I just don't do it. Basically I keep digging a hole that gets deeper and deeper. Anyway, I digress.
Since I last blogged we have been insanely busy, with just about every single weekend being taken up. It has been busy and oh so fun! I believe a bulleted list is in order to highlight the things have happened and things that we have done.
- Jason went to Oregon for a week. Caden and I survived! (even though he was sick with croup)
- Caden turned 5 months old.
- I had my first Mother's Day, and got the sweetest cards and a new digital camera to keep in my bag.
- Went to Pamela's bridal shower in Pinehurst and Jason got to play golf at Pinehurst.
- Caden started eating solids.
- Caden has his first boat ride on Lake Norman and we got rained on. :)
- We went to Lake Lure with Jason's family.
- David and Claire had their little girl, Katelyn and we went to visit them in Charlotte and met up with Ashley on the way. :)
- Caden turned 6 months old. :) He weighed 20 lbs and 7 ozs (91%) and was 28.5 in (98%) He's on the small side, but we we're working on getting him healthy.
- Jason and his friends went to Lake Lure for Jay's bachelor party.
- Jason and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary.
- Went to my cousin Maribeth's wedding.
- We went to Hilton Head with my family for a week.
- Jason had his first Father's Day. He got a "picture project" from me and Caden...picture of the picture coming soon. Got it?
- I went to Raleigh for Paemla's bachelorette party, and left Caden for the first time overnight. Jason and Caden survived! :)
Ok, so that is quick and dirty recap of what we've been up to and I'm sure that I have missed some things but you get the idea! I will do a current post tomorrow...since my baby turned 7 months old today! Craziness!
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