We had a great 4th of July weekend. I just love the 4th...I would have to say it is one of my favorite holidays, next to Christmas and Thanksgiving....and Easter. What am I saying? I love any and all holidays, but nothing says Summer like the 4th. We started off with going to the pool on Thursday. Caden loves it! He is such a people watcher (like his mom and dad), I'm surprised he doesn't get whiplash because he jerks his head from one side to another looking at all the kids. He also had some cantelope for the first time in his mesh feeder. He loved it!

Look Mom, no hands! He's already so talented!

On Friday Jason and I went and played golf. I haven't played in like two years and before that I probably played like 5 times. Needless to say I'm almost a professional! HA! Anyways I love to play and it is something fun for Jason and I to do together. I actually made Par on the very first hole! I went downhill from there but we still had a great time!

An action shot of Tiger.....uhhhh or Jason.

Then we went to Babies R Us to get Caden a new carseat. He has outgrown his infant seat (which was supposed to last until he was a year old) because he is so long. I can't believe he is so big already. :(

I also took a picture of Jason and Caden and his Father's Day gift. A little late is better than never. Right?

On the 4th we went up to Blowing Rock for the day. Caden loved it! Here he is swinging for the first time!

Caden and Daddy went sliding for the first time too. They didn't have very far to slide with Jason's long legs! ha

He wanted to climb the "rock" wall but they said he was too little. :)

He loves to touch the trees, the grass, plants, anything really.

His absolute favorite thing is to ride on Jason's shoulders! He can be crying and fussing and if Jason puts him up there he starts grinning and laughing immediately.

He loves to hang out in his stroller and look and smile at people.

After we went to Blowing Rock we went to Quint and Melissa's for a cook out!

Melissa and Caden!
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