Monday, May 9, 2011

What is a Mother....

For those of you who were expecting another great post from Brittany, I'm sorry to disappoint you.  This is Jason, the husband to the wonderful woman who is usually posting on here.  A mother is so many things I don't know if I can even begin to describe one.  Brittany never ceases to amaze me when it comes to raising our two boys.  She is completely devoted to them and gives all of her heart to them every day.  I wanted Brittany to know how special she is to all of us and how irreplaceable she is to Caden and Mason.  I also want Caden and Mason to look back at this one day to remind them just how awesome their mom is.

What is a Mother....

A mother is someone who unselfishly gives themselves to their kids 24/7 and only asks for a smile and hug every now and then.

 A mother is someone who, if you ask nicely and give your cutest face, cannot say no when you want to eat most of your Easter candy in one sitting.

A mother is someone who will let you play outside in your underwear and cowboy boots if you want to, and she will love you just as much 20 years from now if you still decide to do so.

A mother is someone who wants you to take risks and try new things, win or fail, and she'll always be right behind you the whole way.

A mother is someone who gives the best hugs in the world and can make you feel safe and secure with a single touch.

A mother is someone who puts together the best Easter baskets and puts an enormous amount of care into something that their kids will tear through in a matter of minutes.

A mother is someone who loves their kids unconditionally and will always put them before herself (which is why I believe it's the dad's job to put their wife before him).

A mother is someone who will take their kids to Tweetsie Railroad for the day just to see them smile when they see and hear the train for the first time (or in Mason's case, stick his lip out and cry when the horn blows).

A mother is someone who can make a simple game like moving ice from the water in one bowl and putting it in another seem like the best thing since overnight diapers.

A mother is someone who instinctly knows exactly what to do as soon as their kids enter the world, and it's a good thing because I don't like their chances if it were up to the Dads. 

A mother is someone who can still hold it together when they feel like the weight of the world is strapped to their back.  (In this case, the weight is Mason)

A mother is someone who seldom receives the thanks and appreciation they deserve, yet they keep on keeping on and never stop being the most important person in their child's life. 

So to Brittany, my mom, my sister, my mother-in-law, and all the moms who read this, not a day goes by that I don't appreciate everything you do for your kids and family.  You're the bindings that holds your family together and keeps them strong through good times and bad.  Even though we may not show it or express it as much as we should, you are loved and treasured more than you know.