Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mason is 9 Months Old!

Mase Mase is 9 months old!  He weighs 21 pounds 11 ounces and is 29 inches long.  Our little peanut is what I call him. :) He seems so small to us but apparently he really isn't. ;)  This is seriously the most fun age to me.   He is still the happiest baby, smiling and laughing all the time, and he has the cutest little personality. Even Dr. Spees said he's a little character and he certainly is. 
The clingyness (is that a word?) has gotten so much better in these past couple of weeks and is such a relief to me!  Don't get me wrong, he still is pretty stuck on me, but I can't actually sit him down for a little while and he is ok.  YAY!
He said his first "real" word this month. "Uh-oh".  I say real word because he actually uses it in context.  He will purposely drop something and say Uh-oh.  It's pretty cute. ;)  He also says "No-No" and shakes his head no at the same time.  I need to get this on camera because he looks hilarious when he does it.  Think Stevie Wonder. HA!   Of course he still babbles all sorts of things and we're beginning to think he knows who DaDa is because he will say it when Jason walks in the room.  He also does this growl thing that is hilarious. 
As far as walking goes, I think he is on the verge of taking his first steps.  It depends on how brave he gets, he's a little bit of a chicken. ;)  Of course I said that about crawling too and he proved me wrong.  He is a pro at his wounded soldier crawl and he is FAST! He can sit himself up very easily now too.  He will dance whenever he hears music, its this little squatting move and sometimes when he really gets into it he shakes his head too. It's hilarious.   He cruises everywhere and makes his way around the room making his way with furniture.  He also walks around the house with his little push walker.  He's on the move that is for sure.
He has also started waving bye-bye and saying it at the same time.  It is super cute!  He has also mastered feeding himself small finger foods like puffs and cheerios.  He's got that pincher grasp down!  He's still a great sleeper and eater.  He will eat pretty much anything.  He still doesn't have any teeth...which I'm VERY happy about since he is still nursing.
Favorite toys are any kind of ball, car, or train.  BOY BOY BOY! haha They start so young.  He also LOVES paper and will eat it the first chance he gets.  He is obsessed with my keys, the remote, the computer mouse and any kind of necklace.  Basically anything that is not a toy is his favorite thing to play with. 
I can't believe it is 3 months until he is 1.  I guess I need to get on the birthday planning train. :) This little boy has blessed our lives even more than we could have ever imagined.

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