Monday, April 11, 2011

Mason is 8 Months Old!

Oh my sweet Mason.  You are 8 months old and I can hardly believe it.  You still have the sweetest little personality and do the cutest things.  To say you are attached to me would be a HUGE understatement.  If I'm in the room, I better be holding you or else you are not happy.  Needless to say I don't get much done these days. :)
You started getting up on all fours and rocking last month so I just KNEW you would be crawling soon.  But you had other plans little man. :)  You figured out you could get where you wanted by dragging/army crawling yourself.  It takes you a little while but you get where you want to go.  I call it the wounded soldier crawl b/c that is exactly what you look like when you do it. ;)  You can also get yourself into a sitting position from all fours.  You are not still a single second of the day. :)
Another big milestone you have accomplished this month is pulling yourself to stand.  I put you in your crib for a second while I was doing something and I came back into the room and there you stood.  It was quite a shock! :)  You have also started to cruise slowly around furniture and your toys.  You seem way too small to be doing these things. ;)
You "talk" all the time and are rarely quite. :)  "Da Da" is your word of choice, but you also finally say "Ma Ma" too.  "Ba Ba", "Na Na", "Ya Ya" are also some favorites. :)  You also mimic many sounds, especially ones that you hear Caden make. When he cries/screams you mimic him and it always makes me laugh.  You are definitely a silly little boy. 
You love to play pat-a-cake and "ride-a-horsey".  You also LOVE to be upside down.  Your favorite things to play with are your little Laugh and Learn table, your walker wagon toy and your giraffe toy.  You watched me put the ball down the ramp on your giraffe once and then you started doing it like it was no big deal.  Now as soon as you sit down at it you start putting whatever you can find on it.  It's the cutest thing. :) 
You still love to look in mirrors and you also still look at your brother like he hung the moon.  It really is the cutest thing.  If he is near you, you try to grab him and you will just look at him and laugh.  You will do anything to try and get his attention. :)
You weigh around 21 pounds but you seem so little to me still.  Like way smaller than Caden was at your age.  You still seem like such a little baby to me, and I LOVE it.  You wear size 3 diapers and 6-12 and 12-18 month clothes, depending on where they are from. 
You nurse every 3-4 hours during the day and you eat oatmeal and a fruit in the morning and a vegetable in the evening.  You like pretty much any fruit and you are warming up to green vegetables, you love sweet potatoes and squash.  You are a great sleeper these days and go to bed around 7 and sleep until 7.  During the day you usually take 3 naps, depending on how long you sleep for each one. 
You had several "firsts" this month.  You went to the park for the first time, had your first ride in a swing (you LOVED it!), stayed in the church nursery for the first time, had puffs and Mum Mums.  You are getting too big. :)
We are so proud to call you our son and I feel so blessed to be your mommy.  I love you sweet boy. :)

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