Sunday, December 19, 2010

Caden's Birthday Week

It seems that we celebrated Caden's birthday for an entire week...but hey you only turn "2" once so you might as well live it up. :) 

On Wednesday Jason and I took cupcakes to Caden's "school" so he could have a little party with his school friends.  He was so excited that we were there and as soon as he saw us he yelled Buzz cakes.  I'm a slacker mom and just picked up cupcakes from Wal-Mart the night before and they had Toy Story characters on them.  Might I say they were awfully delicious too! 
Caden and his teacher, Miss Elise.

On Thursday, his actual birthday, we went to Chuck E Cheese. It was his first time and he LOVED it. My mom, Mary Ann and my Dad and Susie all came as well and we had some presents and Buzz cakes again.
Whoo-hoo I'm 2!
Mommy and the b-day boy. 
 Daddy and the b-day boy.
Shootin' hoops...look at that concentration. :) 
Opening presents with Daddy 
It's Rex! 
First set of golf clubs from Papaw. :) 
Mason and Nini...poor Mase was recovering from the stomach virus. :(
Happy Birthday precious boy!

I will do another post on his actual birthday party since I've already bombarded you with pictures! :)

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