Wednesday, May 12, 2010


So I am perhaps the worst blogger out there because I never do it!  I am committing myself to blogging more often after reading Kelly's Korner and her "Why Blog" post.  She talks about what a great way it is to document your life. 
Caden is 17 months old and I am already regretting not blogging weekly about what we do and how he changes.  So I am committing myself to blogging regularly about our doings and other miscellaneous things and will hopefully continue even when this new baby comes and rocks our world. :) 

I may even attempt to "back-blog" about some things that we've been up to the past several months that I have missed out blogging about...I mean seriously I didn't even blog about Caden's birthday...can you say mommy guilt. 

So here is to keeping my commitment and blogging more regularly!!

Just a random picture from around this time last year that I absolutely love.  I can't believe this is my sweet boy, I mean just look at those cheeks! :)


  1. So sweet. Well I have you to thank for starting a blog so you are still ahead of me. Maybe we can keep each other motivated.

  2. Yay, I'm so glad you started one!
