Thursday, May 13, 2010

29 Weeks

So today I am 29 weeks pregnant and I can't believe it.  To say this pregnancy is flying by would be a huge understatement.  It's really odd though because when I think about it I feel like I've been pregnant for a really long time...I guess I'm sort of a contradiction.  When I think about the fact that I've been pregnant or nursing since February 29, 2008, yes leap day, and if I nurse this baby for over a year like I did Caden that will be a LONG time that my body has been "in use" :).  Safe to say that I will be ready for a bit of a break at the end of it all! 

I read a lot of blogs where they use the pregnancy survey each week to keep a journal of their pregnancies, and there have been so many times this pregnancy where I would far along was I when this happened or when I weighed this much! ha So I thought I would start trying to do the survey  every other week or so with a belly picture.
So I just had my 28 week appointment yesterday and I had my glucose test and my finger pricked for my iron.  I was so proud of myself, I actually sat up while they took my blood...I usually have them lay me down because I have passed out before, basically I am a big baby. :) 

Pregnancy: 29 weeks today

Weight Gain: 17 pounds...I didn't want to gain more than 20 my entire pregnancy...guess I can kiss that goodbye!

Sleep: I love it!  I'm sleeping really well still, usuallly I can sleep through the night, but every once in a while I wake up to go to the bathroom.

Food Craving: SWEETS!  This pregnancy I want anything and everything sweet, and Jason has started to get the sweet cravings too. :)

Feeling: Really good!  I'm not at that uncomfortable stage yet, even though I'm huge already!

Health:  So far, so good!  I had my gallbladder out at 16 weeks, and I'm so glad I did because my last pregnancy it gave me some serious fits.  My blood pressure is still hanging tough too, with Caden I was diagnosed with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension, which resulted in twice a week hospital visits, Not fun!

Movement:  He is constantly moving, just like Caden did.  Jason and I just sit and watch my belly, he is crazy!

Belly:  Yesterday my belly was measuring at 31 weeks, so two weeks ahead.  This might alarm some people but considering at my last appointment at 26.5 weeks my belly was measuring...are you ready at 33 weeks!  Yes that would be 7 weeks ahead!  Needless to say a growth ultrasound was ordered and we found out little man is right on schedule and so is my fluid.  Turns out it was a combination of how he was laying and also the fact that I was just pregnant not so long ago so my uteurus is just more stretched out. Lovely.

Symptoms:  I've been really lucky so far in both of my pregnancies that I haven't really had many of the "bad" symptoms.  I never had morning sickness with either of them.  So far my only symptoms are acid reflux/heartburn, and the occasional sciatic nerve pain (not fun).

Next Appointment: May 28

I know July will be here before we know it and things will continue to get crazier I'm sure! *Belly picture coming tomorrow!

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