So 2 Christmases ago, aka Christmas '09, aka just found out I was pregnant again, I decided I wanted a sewing machine. Jason passed along the message to his mom and on Christmas I opened up my sewing machine along with a cute basket filled with all sorts of fun sewing accessories. I was so excited and also SO tired at that point! Too tired and too busy keeping up with a 14 month old and being in my 1st trimester to find the time to even open my sewing machine much less actually sew with it. Anyway after sitting on our kitchen floor for a couple of months Jason put it in the closet, where it has sat ever since.
Since my addiction to Etsy and all things cute and homemade I have wanted to try to make some things myself, like cute burp cloths, bibs, shirts, etc. Things I thought should be easy enough to start with. So on a wild hair, one day last week I went and bought some fabric...I thought I would get home, get the machine out and start sewing...
A couple of hours and a few choice words later I still didn't have the machine threaded. Like seriously my head was getting hot I was so frustrated, I must have read that manual 10 times through trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. Finally the next day, yes seriously it took me essentially two days to get the thread in the machine, I'm crafty like that, I got it threaded correctly and I was ready to go!
Let me just say that I'm not the craftiest person in the world, I've always wanted to be but I'm just not. Anyway that first day I "made" two burp cloths and they were actually pretty cute, I mean we're not talking rocket science just take a cloth diaper and a cute piece of fabric and sew it in the middle. I mean my line..or seam?...isn't exactly straight but no big deal it still works and I'm sure I can work on that. At this point I was feeling pretty good about my new crafty self.
So yesterday I decided to step it up a notch and sew a bib...Mason has reflux so burp cloths and bibs are things I use a lot. I googled and found a pattern for a bib and quickly realized this was a little more complicated and involved than the burp cloths but still seemed doable. I mean I did make a pair of boxer shorts in 9th grade Teen Living (Jason was in this class with me and we often reference the time when Mrs. Hass helped him with his crotch :). Anyway I cut out my fabric and started sewing and looking at it I realized that the actual sewing was awful, I'm talking where there were supposed to be curves I was making sharp angles.
I was still hopeful though that it would look ok, so I finished sewing and turned it inside out and I found myself looking at this:
Yes, it appears I made a bib for a squirrel. I have no idea what happened but the bib is so small it fits around my wrist...needless to say I didn't even attempt to put the snap on it, which by the way seems really complicated too.
For comparison, here is the bib beside another one of Mason's:

For comparison, here is the bib beside another one of Mason's:
I'll just leave it at that. :)
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