So here we are again, another month milestone, a whole half-year has gone by since you were born. Perhaps, the quickest 6 months of my life. In these 6 short months you have doubled the love in our family. Your sweet spirit is so obvious and was from the very beginning. You are such a sweet baby and you make everyone you come in contact with feel like the most important person in the world. With just a simple word spoken to you, you will flash that big, open-mouthed grin and you instantly have them wrapped around your finger. Just this week I've had two strangers come up and tell me how incredibly lucky I am to have you and I couldn't agree more.

I can tell already that you are going to be passionate: about life, about love, about anything and everything you encounter. You know what you want and when you want it, and watch out if you don't get it. Usually this thing that you want is me, if I'm in the room I pretty much have to be holding you. It makes it difficult to do much of anything because you always want me, but at the same time it makes my heart smile. I know this time is so fleeting, your big brother taught me that lesson!
You literally came flying into this world and you are still a little whirlwind. Your hands and arms go a mile a minute, trying to grab anything and everything within your reach. I call you octopus arms because you are so fast and grabby there's no way you only have two. I've tried to feed you a couple of times but I literally can't get the spoon to your mouth because you grab it before I can get anywhere close. I think you're going to be a little spit-fire and your brother is going to have somebody to keep him on his toes.
Speaking of brother you still LOVE him. If you're crying and you see him you stop and will usually start smiling. Forget about it if he actually talks to you or touches you, you look at him like he hung the moon. It really is the most precious thing. Now, if only we could get him to reciprocate that adoration. ;)
You have brought so much love into our lives these last 6 months. When I was pregnant with you I always wondered how it would be possible to love another child like I loved Caden, and quite honestly I was worried about it. As soon as they put you in my arms all those worries were erased and I realized that my heart just doubled in size. I can't imagine our lives without your little self and I know that you were placed in our family for a reason. Your daddy, brother, and I are so lucky that God chose us for each other.
Here are some things that you are up to this month:
- You sit like a pro, I can actually leave you do fall occasionally but it's more like a roll.
- You push all the way up on your arms and are thisclose to getting on all fours.
- You grab anything and everything in sight.
- You really love your toys, you will just play and play until you drop.
- You love: me to sing to you, looking in mirrors, tags, watching your mobile, jumping in your door jumper, watching Caden, nursing, bath time, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and so many other things I can't list them all.
- You babble DADA all the time, and GAGA sometimes...I really know you mean MAMA though. ;)
- You blow raspberries ALL the time and you are constantly soaked because of it.
- You have started cuddling with me a lot more and I LOVE it.
- You do this funny thing where you will attack our faces and give big ole' kisses.
- You're still not a fan of your carseat and I think we'll be moving to the convertible carseat soon.
- You are sleeping better, usually only getting up once at night.
- You still take naps in your swing, hopefully you'll be napping in your crib soon?!
- I'm not sure how much you weigh and your length...I'll update this next week.
I know before we know it, it will be your 1st birthday and you will be running around and eating cake. I just want to remember to soak everything in with you and not to rush to the next stage. I would be fine with you staying my baby forever. I love you baby boy. :)
Here is a little look at how you've grown in these six months:
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