To my sweet boy,

I can't believe you are 2 years old! It seems so crazy to me because I have a hard time remembering my life before you, but at the same time it seems like I've blinked and you've gone from a newborn to a toddler in no time. It breaks my heart and makes me smile all at the same time. I just can't believe my "little" baby is now a "little" boy. To say you have blessed our lives is an understatement. These past two years you have taught your daddy and I so much. I could never have imagined that I could love someone or something this much. It amazes me at times that I love you so much that it almost physically's so cliche but the quote, "Having a baby is like having your heart walking around outside your body." is so true.
Daddy and I always say "This is the most fun age!" Actually, we have said that at about every stage of your life, but I truly believe that this age is absolutely the best of times. I feel so lucky that I have had the opportunity to stay home with you and see you learn and grow everyday. It seems like everyday you soak up everything around you and it is so fun to witness. You are talking in sentences now most of the time, and it is so cute because you talk so fast, like you do everything else, and you get ahead of yourself and it is adorable. You have the cutest expressions and you do things constantly that make me laugh, which sometimes gets in the way of me disciplining you. You have become such a cuddler and you will constantly just come and give me hugs throughout the day and say "I love you". Your personality is get shy and embarrassed about things and you cover your face with those sweet hands and peek out from behind them. You are also strong-willed and stubborn...I can definitely see the "2-year old" coming out in you. I hope these qualities serve you well as you grow and you use that strong-will to keep you on the right track. All aspects of your sweet personality I love and it warms my heart to see them developing.

You love to watch tv...which I see as a blessing and a curse. Your favorites are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Curious George. You are also pretty much obsessed with Toy Story. You wake up in the mornings asking to watch it and you play constantly with your Buzz and Woody dolls.
You also love to read books. Throughout the day you come and get me and you say, "Mommy, bed, read." Every night after you get your "jammies" on you hop in bed and say "night night story". Sometimes after we put you to bed you go and get some books and read them to "doggy" that you sleep with. We can hear you in there just jabbering away. Speaking of sleep you are still an awesome sleeper, and we're so do still have to have your paci to go to sleep, well, actually you have to have in your hand and one in your mouth.
You are still a big boy...nothing has really changed with that since you were born. :) You wear size 3 and 4T clothes and size 9 shoes. You are still considerably bigger than most kids your age. In your CMO (preschool) class picture you are so much bigger than the other kids it is funny, Nini said you look like the teacher's helper. :) I can't wait to see how big you are at your 2 year appointment! **I'm editing this to add that you weighed 36 lbs and 38 inches tall. You are still waaay off the charts!
Caden, you are such a joy in our lives and you brighten our every day. I thank God every night for blessing us with you. I love you so much buddy!

You love all things "boy". It is so interesting to me that it seems to just be part of your nature that you are drawn to anything with wheels, any kind of ball, and tools of any sort.
I have to say without a doubt your absolutely favorite thing are balls: baseballs, footballs, basketballs, soccer balls, golf balls, beach get the idea. Since you were just a baby if you had a ball you were happy. Your daddy has big plans for you and calls you his early retirement plan...he has already made up his mind that you will be playing at Carter Finley one day...I told him I hope you are too, but even if you decided to go to that school down the street that would be just fine if that's what you wanted. You are amazingly coordinated and always have shoot your basketball constantly and can almost always make it no matter where you are standing in your play room. You hit your tee ball so hard that I am scared to be in the room when you hit it, we even took it away for awhile, afraid that you might hurt somebody with it. :)
You love "big trucks", tractors, firetrucks, trains, ambulances, garbage trucks, bicycles, etc... pretty much anything that goes. When we go anywhere you don't stop talking about what you see while we are driving. Most of the time you point out every big truck we see on the interstate and any sort of construction equipment that you eye. When we go over railroad tracks we hold our hands up and say "wooo" and I just love to look in the rearview mirror and see those little arms raised and a huge smile on your face.
You love to watch tv...which I see as a blessing and a curse. Your favorites are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Curious George. You are also pretty much obsessed with Toy Story. You wake up in the mornings asking to watch it and you play constantly with your Buzz and Woody dolls.
You also love to read books. Throughout the day you come and get me and you say, "Mommy, bed, read." Every night after you get your "jammies" on you hop in bed and say "night night story". Sometimes after we put you to bed you go and get some books and read them to "doggy" that you sleep with. We can hear you in there just jabbering away. Speaking of sleep you are still an awesome sleeper, and we're so do still have to have your paci to go to sleep, well, actually you have to have in your hand and one in your mouth.
You are still a big boy...nothing has really changed with that since you were born. :) You wear size 3 and 4T clothes and size 9 shoes. You are still considerably bigger than most kids your age. In your CMO (preschool) class picture you are so much bigger than the other kids it is funny, Nini said you look like the teacher's helper. :) I can't wait to see how big you are at your 2 year appointment! **I'm editing this to add that you weighed 36 lbs and 38 inches tall. You are still waaay off the charts!
Caden, you are such a joy in our lives and you brighten our every day. I thank God every night for blessing us with you. I love you so much buddy!
Awww Brit! You made me tear up! This is such a cute, heart felt letter :) Your boys are beautiful! Merry Christmas to you and your presh little family!